Voice Guide

Voice Guide

By 2020, 50% of all searches will be voice searches. Voice Assistants such as Siri, Alexa and Google are becoming our “go to” platform for sourcing information. Leading brands are already implementing voice searches as part of their marketing strategies. 

What is voice?

More and more devices are becoming compatible with Voice recognition. This is when your device such as your Alexa speaker or your Smartphone, can understand what you are saying when you give it a command. 

These systems allow consumers to interact with their devices, simply by talking to it. This could be anything from “Hey Siri, call my mum” to “Alexa, where can I eat near me?” Your device will understand you, and either obey your command or give you the answer you are searching for. Do you want to know the technology behind voice, how to create a voice brief and what the world of voice will offer us in the future? This guide will help you understand where Voice is heading and why it is so important.

Download Guide

  • Who is this guide for? – For forward thinking professionals like you!

  • Definition – Learn the vocabulary used and the capabilities of voice

  • Statistics – How many people are using voice and what are they using it for

  • Technology behind voice – A summary of the capabilities of Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant

  • Skills, Actions and Voice search  – Learn how brands are using voice to engage with their users

  • The future? - What will the world of voice offer us in the future


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