Our Blog: What’s on our minds

David Whalley David Whalley

A guide to TikTok for the over 30s

You may have seen TikTok videos played across other social platforms like Instagram and Facebook, but the chances are if you are over 30 you probably haven’t downloaded it.

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Adam Greenwood Adam Greenwood

Top 10 tech trends for a post-pandemic world

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the work and lifestyles of people in a way we never could have predicted. Government has enforced strict lockdowns to curb the spread, working from home is the new normal.

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Adam Greenwood Adam Greenwood

Smartphones, Stupid Humans

With an answer to almost anything ‘one click’ or ‘hey google’ away, are we forgetting how to retain information, treating developments in digital like an extension to our own memory?

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David Whalley David Whalley

Social media can be a good thing

With the recent release of ‘The Social Dilemma’ on Netflix, we have seen a widespread trend in people taking digital breaks from their social platforms and phones, which is great and something we should all consider once in a while - but is it really all doom and gloom?

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