The Charity Guide: Navigating the next Digital Decade

The Charity Guide: Navigating the next Digital Decade

This guide discusses some of the challenges that charities will face over the next decade and what you will need to do to overcome them to increase donations, create engagement, and build trust with the next generation.

The big three issues

We live in a world where people do not trust big corporations, social media influencers, politicians, charities or the news itself. People have been inundated with fake news, data breaches, deep fakes, charity scandals and lies about Brexit from both sides.

To try and understand how these factors are impacting charities, we asked 50 of them one simple question: “What has been your biggest challenge in the last 12 months?” While many were highlighted, ‘fundraising’, ‘engagement’ and ‘trust’ were the most mentioned. We also spoke with over 200 benefactors to understand how they feel about the charitable sector. What, if anything, prevents them from donating and what they expect from the charities they support.

What is in the guide?

  • Purpose Learn from brands with purpose that create trust through authenticity and transparency.

  • Engagement Gain an understanding of the methodology you should be using to best engage with your audience.

  • Trust Explore how you should create trust and maintain a good reputation to be a successful charity with loyal donors.

  • Innovation See what charities are investing in innovation and how this is benefiting them.

  • Future Tech How can tech improve the charity industry over the next couple of years?

The Charity Guide: Navigating the next Digital Decade, will give you highly insightful information and practical ideas on how you can implement these trends for your charity today and in the future.


Digital Fundraising during COVID-19


Age: Redefined